Vairat Marathi Film Title Song Released Featuring Bollywood Actor Shantanu Bhamare,...

Marathi Film Vairat is being produced by Swarajya Film Production & Aarpar Film Production. Giri S Raj & Balasaheb Bangar are Main Producers whereas...

Bollywood Film Producer & Actor Shantanu Bhamare in 2nd Lead Role...

Marathi Film “Teen Tolyache Mangalsutra” is being produced by Nirzara Entertainment. Writer, Director & Producer is Dinesh Kale, DOP is Giri S Raj &...

Music fest to be organised at Dharamshala

A unique convergence of music and culture on the lines of international festivals like tomorrow land and Sunburn will take place at the Dharamshala...

Bhupali Mazumdar: A Journey of Artistic Dedication

Assam, , October 21, 2024: : Since 2011, Bhupali Mazumdar has quietly but consistently carved her niche in the Indian music industry. Based in...

Bollywood Film Producer & Actor Shantanu Bhamare’s Guest Appearance in Vairat...

Marathi Film Vairat is being produced by Swarajya Film Production & Aarpar Film Production. Giri S Raj is Producer, Mangesh Kasbe is Co-Producer, DOP...

Sing Your Heart Out at Karaoke Nights with Persang Entertainment’s Octane-9...

Vadodara, (Gujarat) , October 01, 2024: A world where karaoke nights are getting increasingly popular, Persang Entertainment Pvt Ltd has struck a chord with...

Girgiti – God with Many Faces: A Shape-Shifting Tale of Morality...

PixelFx Studios is set to captivate audiences worldwide with their groundbreaking film "Girgiti - God with Many Faces," slated for a multi-lingual release in...

Kalki of DJs? DJ DEEPSTER Spreading Roots of Indian Music, Globally

Delhi, , August 07, 2024: Delhi-based DJ and producer, Deepanshu Anand, better known as DEEPSTER, is a force to be reckoned within the music...

From Grit to Glory: Suchhi Kumar Dazzles in “Hocus Focus” and...

Mumbai (Maharashtra), (India): In the bustling world of cinema, where every moment is a mix of glamour and challenges, Suchhi Kumar emerges as a...

The Binge Town: Redefining Private Celebrations in India

Bangalore (Karnataka) , July 24, 2024: The Binge Town, a rapidly expanding chain of private theatre celebration spaces, has taken the concept of celebrations...

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